What is The Power Code®

The Power Code® is a technique that optimizes the dialogue between the consciousness and the subconsciousness in order to be in line with one’s own desires and goals. Using a quick-to-learn technique that is tailored to each individual’s own needs and priorities, it activates and expands existing internal resources that will lead to greater enjoyment and efficiency in everyday work as well as better health.

The Power Code is based on insights from neurobiology and positive psychology in conjunction with Buddhist mindfulness and light meditation. He works with the deliberate use of key concepts and desired ideas, anchored with simple techniques as reference points for a more vital and purposeful life and integrated directly into one’s own life.

The inner dialogue between consciousness and subconsciousness forms the life and personality of every human being. The self-image and the quality of all experiences depend on this dialogue. If he is not deliberately directed, patterns from past experiences control him. What has been learned, repeatedly thought, felt and done in the past forms neural networks, called “maps”, in the brain.

These are anchored in the subconscious as habits or programming. Often patterns are included that allow people to experience self-doubt, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, and poor performance and assertiveness. The effect of The Power Code is to permanently change such stressful programming.

Power code techniques identify intrusive patterns as useless and harmful. They are overridden with a simple technique. By neutralizing the disturbing habits of feeling and thinking, every person in their everyday life is free to use their full range of possibilities to achieve what he or she wants.